Down the Amazon 2021
Here's the story:
I was up in West Virginia two months ago. On one beautiful, sunny day I did the interview with Richard Harris/NPR. (
The next morning I woke up to snow around my van. Because of that plus: I couldn't get my second shot in WV, and got a very inspiring note from my old contacts (1997) at Project Amazonas, I headed back to Florida.


With all shots, C-19 tests, forms in Spanish, etc. done, I was on a plane to Peru in a week.
In a single line, it was as hard as it was thrilling. It could have been a lot easier—but I knew I had only a month and it might be my last in that part of the world. I was diligently out to get the shots and I made the best of it. I have time lapse, still shots, and video to last for years.


It was thrilling in many ways. The boat rides are supreme. I was in primary Amazon forest with no generators (totally solar), no cut stumps, but lots of downed trees from a hurricane two years ago. Mushrooms everywhere! A local family cooked for me and washed my clothes. Project Amazonas provided tables for me to work on, electricity to charge batteries, and rainwater showers to keep cool.


Now I'm back in Florida working on that material and shooting new time lapse series of Lentinus crinitus. Also getting ready to go back to W. V. where, if the snow has melted, the Amanitas should be coming soon!
More photos:


Pico de Tunche is local lingo for "Beak of the Ghost".


Time lapse coming!
Pass it on and stay tooned!